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Use Fundata’s FundGrade monthly ratings system to showcase your funds’ monthly superior performance and help investor’s select high-quality investments from the Canadian investment fund universe.


Use Fundata’s FundGrade monthly ratings system to showcase your funds’ monthly superior performance and help investor’s select highquality investments from the Canadian investment fund universe.

FundGrade does not contain subjective recommendations, analyst reviews, or performance forecasts. Instead, FundGrade is an objective and completely quantitative measure that is based on a minimum of 2 and up to 10 years of a fund’s historical track record. The FundGrade rating system assigns grades ranging from an “A” to an “E”. For a fund to score a FundGrade “A” rating, the fund must substantially outperform its peers by finishing in the top 10% within its category in a given month.

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Click here for this month’s list of FundGrade rated funds

Logo for Fundgrade A+ Achieved for the Year Award

Designed to highlight the best of the best in the industry, and a mark of rare and singular achievement. The FundGrade A+® Rating identifies funds with not only the best risk-adjusted returns but also those demonstrating the highest level of consistency through an entire calendar year. Very simply, the FundGrade A+® Rating is awarded annually to funds that achieve consistently high FundGrade scores. It is a mark of true distinction and readily identifiable by advisors and their clients as a symbol of excellence within the Canadian fund universe.

Logo for Fundgrade A+ Responsible Investing  Award

The RI FundGrade A+® calculation is exactly the same as the monthly FundGrade calculation above, wherein funds are ranked based on Sharpe, Information, and Sortino ratios using up to 10 years of history. The funds with the top overall rankings in each of the Equity, Balanced, and Fixed Income categories at the end of the year are awarded the RI FundGrade A+®.

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Click here to view a list of last year’s recipients

Fundgrade Transition Matrix

Fundata’s new analytical tool – FundGrade Transition Matrix – enables investors, advisors and analysts to identify more comfortably funds that are likely to outperform their peers in the future as they have done in the past.

The FundGrade Transition Matrix displays the probabilities associated with changing FundGrades. In other words, it shows the probability that an A-Grade at the beginning of the year will be an A-Grade at the beginning of the following year, or a B-Grade or a C-Grade, etc., as illustrated in the above table.

The Fundata Analytics team developed a tool using the Fundata FundGrade Rating as a purely quantitative metric to highlight funds that are likely to achieve an A-grade in future months.

Essentially, investors, advisors, and money managers can use the FundGrade Transition Matrix tool to help identify trends, select funds and allocate assets appropriately.

Contact us today to learn more on the benefits of Fundata’s FundGrade.

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